Atheist's Icon top detail
Atheist’s Icon top detail – resin, graphite and mahogany – 2014 Lorne Sculpture Biennale

Atheist's Icon side detail
Atheist’s Icon side detail – resin, graphite and mahogany – 2014 Lorne Sculpture Biennale H30 x W 22 x L32 cm
Atheist’s Icon, converges anatomical and symbolic representations of the human heart; overlaying familiar physicality with sinuous exploration of self-examined existence. The work’s self-awareness; balanced by insistent tactility, demands to be experienced on a primal level with the fingers and the guts. Tracing the serpentine gyri and sulci we are drawn into a meditation where conscious thought is subverted as the psyche becomes immersed in the Icon’s ritualistic, labyrinthine folds. Here, morphology pays homage to convoluted and sublime constructs of the universe: the course of rivers and blood vessels, the architecture of plants and corals, and the convolutions of consciousness.